The science of child development makes it clear that adverse childhood experiences can have long lasting impacts on a person’s ability to form and maintain healthy relationships, as well as influencing the way in which they behave and manage their emotions.
At Budwood we use our therapeutic C.A.T.C.H ® model to deliver compassionate, patient care and support, working day by day to help young people to better manage their emotions and develop strong, rewarding relationships with others.
Support at Budwood is delivered by staff from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. Our staff are compassionate, responsible and therapeutically trained to provide tailored care for young people with a variety of experiences, including:
- Disruption in a family, foster or adoptive home
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Social or emotional difficulties
- Attachment Disorder
- Criminal/sexual exploitation
- Substance misuse
- Exhibiting inappropriate sexualised behaviours
- Engaging in self-harm or suicidal ideation
Building Strong and Meaningful Relationships
Young people can rely on the 1-1 support of a Key Worker who will be by their side throughout their Budwood journey, providing practical support such as accompanying them to meetings with professionals and working on life skills with them, as well as incredibly beneficial personalised emotional and behavioural support.
Our staff are on hand to help support young people’s existing relationships by promoting contact with their family and friends, where appropriate. Staff also support young people to make new friends in the community and can provide friendly guidance on the kinds of friendships and relationships which the young person should be pursuing, and those which may not be in their best interests.

“[We offer] coaching through their daily struggles to really boost their independence, so when they are 18 they’ve really got the skills to live independently.”
– Budwood Support Worker
Managing Challenging Behaviour
At Budwood, we understand that challenging behaviours may arise as a consequence of young people’s past experiences. We address all challenging behaviours in a compassionate, therapeutically informed fashion, recognising that many of the young people who come to stay with us may have experienced abuse, neglect, or trauma.
Any notable incidents will be properly recorded, any relevant professionals notified, and appropriate next steps will be taken. If an incident occurs a young person will be invited to a Key Work session to reflect on the incident and work with their Key Worker to identify areas where we can offer them further support.
PRICE Training
Though it is avoided in all but the most extreme cases, there are times in which physical intervention on the part of our staff may be required. Physical restraint is only used when all other options have been exhausted, in order to keep a young person and those around them safe.

Staff at Budwood receive thorough PRICE training, a behaviour management course which prioritises de-escalation techniques and uses a therapeutically informed approach. Staff take part in annual refresher courses to ensure that they are able to deliver the best standard of care possible.