We work closely with everyone involved in a young person’s care including their local authority, social care teams and mental health professionals to ensure their safety and comfort. By sharing appropriate information and working collaboratively, we are able to ensure that each young person at Budwood is safeguarded against harm.
Our staff are fully aware of safeguarding procedures and how to proceed if they identify any concerns. Safeguarding of young people is discussed at daily handover meetings, team meetings and during regular staff supervision sessions.
The Important Role of Young People
We encourage young people to express their views about whether they feel safe both within and outside the home. We ensure that they are fully informed of their rights from their first day at Budwood, when they will be given a copy of our Young Person’s Guide which outlines contact details for relevant authorities, how to access advocacy services, and how to make a complaint.
Young people are given information of how to raise a concern should they feel unsafe or at risk. We ensure through key work sessions that young people understand how they can speak to an independent advocate, their Independent Reviewing Officer, Ofsted inspectors or any other relevant persons if they have concerns about their safety or wellbeing.

Managing Risk
We ensure that there is a personalised risk assessment in place for each young person which is regularly reviewed and amended when necessary. Young people are fully informed of the assessment, and we work with them to agree steps which we will take to keep them safe, as well as helping them to understand ways in which they can help to mitigate risks.
We will also put in place a Missing from Home plan, and are able to access to an AIMs Assessment to support young people who display sexually harmful behaviours.
Equality and Diversity
Here at Budwood we value individual choice and self-expression. Our Equality and Diversity policy recognises the nine key protected characteristics set out by UK law: gender, class, religion, belief, culture, race, language, sexuality, and sexual orientation.
As well as these, it also outlines the importance of acknowledging class difference and the discrimination faced by adults and children who are care experienced. We also follow a strong anti-bullying policy.